VPLATE Video Ads:为您的产品或品牌打造完美的视频广告

VPLATE Video Ads

使用VPLATE Video Ads插件,您可以轻松为您的产品或品牌创建引人注目的视频广告。无需任何专业技能,只需几分钟即可生成。


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VPLATE Video Ads插件为ChatGPT用户提供了一个强大而简单的工具,使他们能够轻松创建引人注目的视频广告。无需专业的视频编辑技能,用户只需为其产品或品牌提供基本信息,插件就会自动生成吸引点、广告信息和场景。此外,该插件还提供了多种设计选项,用户可以根据自己的品牌和信息需求进行选择。无论您是想在社交媒体上发布广告,还是在网站或电子邮件中分享,VPLATE Video Ads都能为您提供所需的一切。


  • 设置设计:为视频广告项目选择合适的设计。
  • 创建请求:为产品或品牌提供名称、简介、详细描述和相关图像。
  • 生成广告点和消息:根据产品信息自动生成三个吸引点和每个吸引点的三条广告信息。
  • 创建场景:为每个吸引点创建三个视频广告场景,确保每个场景的文本和图像都符合设计的场景规则。
如何使用ChatGPT插件VPLATE Video Ads?


{"id":"plugin-3481174f-30a8-4dc3-b34d-17ea8f088096","domain":"ai.vplate.io","namespace":"VPLATE","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"VPLATE","name_for_human":"VPLATE Video Ads","description_for_model":"This plugin enables ChatGPT to assist users in creating video ads. And this plugin support only the language of Korean and English. If the user input some text with other languages, the model stop the process and help the user to enter the text with Korean or English. Based on user-provided product information, the model independently generates three appeal points, three ad messages per appeal point, and a keyword. The model must not ask the user to enter the appeal points, ad messages and a keyword. And when the model create a keyword, the model should consider that the keyword will be used for searching related images on free-stock images platform such as pixabay, unsplash, pexels for the user who don't have images related to the product. Then The model sends appeal points, ad messages and a keyword to VPLATE, which in return provides designs which is including title, preview, and details (including design_id and ratio). The model must display the designs\u2019 information provided by VPLATE to the user. If the model display designs\u2019 that are not from VPLATE, It goes to error because VPLATE can create video ads with only the designs by VPLATE. But you should not display the design_id to the user. When a user selects a design with a ratio, the model sends request_id and the design_id corresponding to the design and ratio user select. Then VPLATE will provide the scenario_rule. And then the model must creates a total of three scenarios for each appeal point. Given the following design_duration, required_text_length, required_image_length and scenario_rule with scenes, the model must generate the scenario for each scene. Please ensure that the number of the scenario's text must precisely equal to the required number of texts. And each text must adheres to its respective character max limit and each image must be the one english word for searching on free-stock images service. The model should not ask the user to enter the scenario. Also the model should consider that these scenarios are for the social media advertisement. So these scenarios can attract people's interests in a snap. Finally, The model must send the request_id, design_id and scenario to VPLATE. VPLATE then provides a project_link, which users can use to render their video ads.","description_for_human":"Hey AI, Create Video Ads - Enter Product Info, Get Stunning Video Ads in a Snap!","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/ai.vplate.io\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/ai.vplate.io\/logo.png","contact_email":"info@vplate.io","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/vplate.io\/docs\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
