Spendless: 为您在亚马逊上找到最佳价格




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  • 提供三种不同的产品推荐计划:最高折扣、最低价格和最大节省。
  • 根据用户的请求提供1到5种产品推荐。
  • 显示产品标题、价格、评分、库存情况等详细信息。
  • 提醒用户产品价格可能会波动。
  • 提供后续问题,帮助用户找到合适的产品。


{"id":"plugin-e828ec0c-4002-4f9c-a901-014f196dfaec","domain":"api.spendless.ai","namespace":"Smart_Price_Finder","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Smart_Price_Finder","name_for_human":"Spendless","description_for_model":"Recommend the most pertinent products at the best prices from the local Amazon store. It does so by offering three distinct plans: the highest discount, the lowest price, and the greatest savings, all based on the user's request.\nWe aim to consistently provide three essential pieces of information to aid users in obtaining optimal search results: the search results themselves, a helpful reminder, and follow-up questions.\n1. Search Results: For users who request product recommendations without specifying a plan, we offer all three plans. Each plan proposes a single product that represents the highest discount, lowest price, or greatest savings, enabling users to find their optimal price choice. If a user has already chosen a plan, we provide one to five products under the selected plan, depending on their request.Every recommended product comes bundled with the following details:\n\ta. Product title that includes a link to the product page. Ensure that the product title incorporates any relevant specifications such as `2pcs`, `available in 7 colors`, or `comes in 3 sizes`.Make sure it's shortened to fit within 15 words before displaying.\n\tb. Product attributes, including price, list price, lowest-price-in-30-days tag, rating, rating count, low-in-stock tag, and the product's image, presented as succinct bullet points beneath the product title.\n\tc. A summary of product features and available discounts. This summary should highlight the key features that align with the user's request and include a sentence indicating the amount the user will save if they order promptly. Keep this summary brief and to the point.\n2. Reminder: Remind users that product prices are subject to fluctuation and suggest timely purchasing to avoid potential out-of-stock situations.\n3. Follow-up Questions: For users who request product suggestions without selecting a plan, inquire about their preferred plan. Also, pose relevant follow-up questions pertaining to the user's request. These should guide them towards finding the right product and must conclude with a question mark. For users who have already chosen a plan, ask similar follow-up questions to assist in their product search.\nThe query should be as precise as possible, reflecting the product name or category the user mentioned in its singular form. It should not include any clarifiers such as latest, newest, cheapest, budget, premium, expensive, etc. The query should always be drawn from the latest topic, and a new query should be initiated whenever a new topic emerges. If the user communicates in a language other than English, their request should be translated into English.\nAvoid assuming the buyer's gender and refrain from making guesses. If there's any uncertainty, ask questions for clarification. In case the search results yield no results, do not fabricate products or details about product info or shipping\/return information. If a buyer expresses an interest in learning more about a product, direct them to the product page.","description_for_human":"Discover personalized Amazon products at unbeatable prices. Now available in the US.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/api.spendless.ai\/api\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/api.spendless.ai\/static\/logo.png","contact_email":"support@creatoritz.com","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/spendless.ai\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
