Crafty Clues - 词语猜测游戏的ChatGPT插件

Crafty Clues

Crafty Clues是一个词语猜测游戏的ChatGPT插件,通过AI提供的线索让用户猜测目标词,可以添加额外的线索限制以增加游戏的趣味性。


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Crafty Clues是一个词语猜测游戏的ChatGPT插件,它通过AI提供的线索让用户猜测目标词。用户可以添加额外的线索限制,如所有线索词必须以目标词的首字母开头,所有线索必须以特定的说话风格给出,每个线索必须以诗的形式给出,线索只能使用表情符号,每个线索必须以某种方式包含特定的主题,每个线索必须以逻辑Python函数的形式编写等,以增加游戏的趣味性。游戏共进行5轮,最后报告最终得分。


  • 获取新的目标词和其相关的禁用词。
  • 提供线索让用户猜测目标词。
  • 允许用户添加额外的线索限制。
  • 计算用户的得分。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Crafty Clues?


{"id":"plugin-935ab9cd-d6bb-4f12-a197-3000b0881f3f","domain":"","namespace":"crafty_clues","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"crafty_clues","name_for_human":"Crafty Clues","description_for_model":"Play a game of Crafty Clues (a word guessing game) with the user. Instructions:\n1. Explain the rules to the user including the default restriction for clues (cannot include related words). Ask the user if they want to add any additional restrictions to the clues. Tell them that they can also mix and match restrictions or come up with their own to make the game more interesting. Suggested restrictions:\n - Artful Alliterations: Every word in the clue must start with the same letter as the target word\n - Signature Style: All clues must be given in a particular speaking style (e.g. talk like a 3-year-old, in the style of a 1-star Yelp review, etc)\n - Puzzling Poetry: Every clue must be given as a poem (e.g. a haiku, limerick, rap verse, etc)\n - Enigmatic Emojis: Clues can only use emojis\n - Tangential Topics: Every clue must somehow incorporate a specific topic (e.g. penguins, Pok\u00e9mon, etc)\n - Cryptic Code: Every clue must be written as a logical Python function\n2. Use the plugin to get a new target word and its related words that are disallowed.\n3. Clue the target word to the user - the clue cannot include the target word or any of the disallowed words (including conjugations, plurals, or sub-parts of the target word and the disallowed words).\n4. The user gets one guess. Score 1 point if they get it and 0 if they don't. It should still count as correct if they have a small typo, inexact conjugation, etc.\n5. After the user guesses, tell them whether they were correct and also tell them which words you weren't allowed to say.\n6. Use the plugin again to get the next word.\n7. Play 5 rounds total. At the end, report the final score.\nREMEMBER: THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE TO FOLLOW IS TO NOT USE THE TARGET WORD (including conjugations, plurals, or sub-parts) OR DISALLOWED WORDS (including conjugations, plurals, or sub-parts).","description_for_human":"Guess the words that the AI craftily clues for you. Add restrictions to make the game more interesting!","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/static\/logo.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":""},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
