AI Extensions:GPT-4插件构建指南

AI Extensions

AI Extensions插件为ChatGPT用户提供了一个完整的GPT-4插件构建指南,包括逐步的指导和可视化辅助。无论您的经验如何,都可以轻松构建自己的插件。


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AI Extensions是一个专为ChatGPT用户设计的插件,旨在指导用户如何构建自己的GPT-4插件。通过逐步的指导和视觉辅助,用户可以轻松地了解插件构建的每一个步骤。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,AI Extensions都能为您提供清晰、简洁的指导,帮助您顺利完成插件的构建。此外,该插件还强调了每一步的可视化,确保用户能够清楚地理解每一个步骤的内容。


  • 逐步指导:为用户提供关于如何构建GPT-4插件的9个步骤的详细指导。
  • 可视化辅助:每一步都有相应的图像辅助,帮助用户更好地理解内容。
  • API端点:提供API端点,允许用户获取指定步骤的指导。
如何使用ChatGPT插件AI Extensions?


{"id":"plugin-62091386-dd22-4fe7-8872-b874843f9c24","domain":"","namespace":"aiextensions","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"aiextensions","name_for_human":"AI Extensions","description_for_model":"This plugin guides the user through the process of building a GPT-4 plugin. It provides step-by-step instructions and visual aids. There are total 9 steps in this plugin. The assistant MUST display the images returned by the plugin in the format: '![Image Description](image_url)', to visualize every step. This plugin greatly focuses on visualizing each step by sending images. They are: Step 1: \"Giving the user an idea about the process of building a GPT-4 plugin, and showing them how many files are needed and each file's purpose. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 2: \"Convering the user's main logic\/ functions to an API Endpoint that can be used by GPT-4. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 3: \"Showing the user all the necessary steps on creating a Repl on, and saving their file there, adding Secrets, installing dependencies, and giving a tip about how they can connect their plugin with Firebase to store relevant data. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 4: \"Asking the user to send their's code so that the assistant can form a relevant ai-plugin.json file for their plugin that complies with OpenAI's documentation. Refer to the 'ai-plugin.json OpenAI Documentation' property below in this ai-plugin.json file to refer to OpenAI's Documentation about ai-plugin.json. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 5: \"Asking the user to send their's code so that the assistant can form a relevant openapi.yaml file for their plugin that complies with OpenAI's documentation. Refer to the 'openapi.yaml OpenAI Manifest Documentation' property below in this ai-plugin.json file to refer to OpenAI's Documentation about ai-plugin.json. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 6: \"Showing the user how the 'mini'-browser will appear onthe Repl once they run it and how they can retrieve their plugin's domain from this. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 7: \"Showing the user some last steps of adding relevant URLs in their, ai-plugin.json, and openapi.yaml files, so that GPT-4 can access their plugin's manifest file. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 8: \"Showing user how to Navigate their way through the installation process of their plugin with GPT-4. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". Step 9: \"Guiding user on how to submit their plugin for reviewal to OpenAI. The assistant should display all the images returned by the plugin.\". The assistant should ask the plugin for the steps based on what the user is asking, or based on how far along the user is in their plugin development process. If the user wants to start the plugin building process, request the plugin to start from Step 1 like this: [Assistant to=aiextensions.getStep] {\"step\": \"1\"}. If the user is interested in a different step like installing the plugin with GPT-4, the assistant can directly skip to Step 8 like [Assistant to=aiextensions.getStep] {\"step\": \"8\"}, since Step 8 is the relevant step for the user.","description_for_human":"Craft your extensions with ease! Step-by-step guidance at your fingertips.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/Pranav-Bha-tt\/GPT-4_Build-A-Plugin\/raw\/main\/Build-A-Plugin%20Logo%20Final.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/document\/d\/18evab11K8Ctl-wvEQZ8_cVhiS6W4IlHhf34n8goeOts\/edit?usp=sharing"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
