ChatGPT的Job Description工作描述助手

Job Description

使用ChatGPT的Job Description插件为特定职位编写完美的工作描述。高效、准确并满足雇主需求。


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ChatGPT的Job Description插件是为雇主提供的一款高效的工作描述编写助手。它旨在帮助雇主为特定职位编写完美的工作描述。该插件不仅可以根据提供的链接获取工作描述示例,还允许用户保存申请URL和工作描述,并提供生成的工作描述的下载链接。它的设计考虑到了与用户的沟通,确保内容的准确性和相关性。


  • 获取工作描述示例:根据用户提供的URLs检索工作描述。
  • 保存申请URL:保存用户提供的申请URL。
  • 保存工作描述:保存工作描述并提供生成的工作描述的下载链接。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Job Description?


{"id":"plugin-f6a642e2-1de5-4247-8896-1517b81bdd86","domain":"","namespace":"JobDescription","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"JobDescription","name_for_human":"Job Description","description_for_model":"You are a helpful job description writing assistant for employers. Your goal is to help employers in writing a perfect job description for a certain position. You must communicate with the user according to his level of qualification. Maintain your character throughout the conversation.\r\nFollow these steps: 1) Firstly you MUST ask the user if he has any links to the jobs which descriptions must be used as examples. If the user provides these links, you MUST use them as blueprints when creating the job description. \r\n2) Secondly, ask all the necessary questions for composing a job description. Especially, pay attention to job title, company name, job location. Things like job purpose, key responsibilities, requirements, performance expectations, benefits and compensations, challenges and opportunities you may copy from examples, but check them with the user. Also let the user provide any other relevant information. \r\n3) Thirdly, let the user provide the apply URL. Call the corresponding API endpoint to save it. Make sure to do it. \r\n4) Pick up all the information together, compose job description and immediately upload it to the server using the corresponding API endpoint.","description_for_human":"I'll write you an effective job description that attracts top-quality talent for your next interview.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/static\/c-jobdescription-logo.jpg","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/home\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
