NASA Media Explorer插件介绍

NASA Media Explorer

NASA Media Explorer是一个ChatGPT插件,允许用户搜索和查看NASA丰富的媒体库中的图片和视频。探索太空,学习天文,了解NASA的各项任务,一切尽在NASA Media Explorer。


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NASA Media Explorer是一个强大的ChatGPT插件,它让用户能够直接从NASA的丰富媒体库中搜索和查看图片和视频。这个插件覆盖了包括太空探索、天文学和各种NASA任务在内的广泛主题。用户可以根据提供的详细程度找到相关和引人入胜的图片和视频,甚至可以同时进行多次查询。NASA Media Explorer还可以与网络搜索或已知信息一起使用,以找到与特定任务(如当前的火星漫游者任务)相关的图片或视频。然而,需要注意的是,返回的内容严格遵循非商业使用模式,不得用于暗示NASA的认可。此外,它不提供对受版权保护的内容(如某些音乐或影片)的访问。此外,对于较不常见或高度特定的主题,可能不会返回图片或视频。返回的媒体资产通过响应中提供的URL公开访问,但其可用性取决于NASA API和超出该功能控制的外部因素。


  • 搜索NASA媒体资产:用户可以输入自由文本搜索词,与所有索引的元数据进行比较。
  • 获取媒体资产的清单:用户可以通过NASA ID获取特定媒体资产的清单。
如何使用ChatGPT插件NASA Media Explorer?


{"id":"plugin-0502abc9-9fc4-40ed-a40e-29d3f9cde411","domain":"","namespace":"nasaMediaExplorer","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"nasaMediaExplorer","name_for_human":"NASA Media Explorer","description_for_model":"Discover and view images and videos from NASA's extensive media library! The NASA Media Explorer enables users to search for media assets related to a broad spectrum of topics including space exploration, astronomy, and various NASA missions. This feature facilitates intelligent searches, finding relevant and captivating images and videos based on the level of detail provided. Users can refine their searches and perform multiple inquiries simultaneously. The NASA Media Explorer can even be used alongside web search or known information to find images or videos related to specific missions, such as the current Mars Rover mission. While this feature is designed to search NASA's media library effectively, it's important to note some inherent limitations. The content returned operates strictly under a non-commercial usage model, meaning the returned content must not be used to imply NASA's endorsement. It also doesn't provide access to copyrighted content, such as certain music or footage. Moreover, it may not always return images or videos for less common or highly specific topics. The media assets returned are publicly accessible via a URL provided in the response, but their availability depends on the NASA API and external factors beyond the feature's control. The NASA Media Explorer's goal is to make the exploration of NASA's media library easy, engaging, and beneficial for all users, while adding an educational and exploratory aspect to interactions, and all within the bounds of NASA's Media Usage Guidelines.","description_for_human":"Discover and learn about space exploration using NASA's vast media library!","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/logo.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/legal.html"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
