Options Pro - 你的个人期权交易助手

Options Pro

Options Pro是一款强大的期权和金融数据分析工具,提供对期权定位、市场趋势、波动性和个股流动性的深入洞察,帮助交易者和投资者进行有效的金融决策。


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Options Pro是一款为交易者和投资者设计的强大工具,它通过提供对期权定位、市场趋势、波动性和个股流动性的深入洞察,帮助用户进行有效的金融数据分析。无论你是想要快速了解总体市场趋势,还是希望对特定股票进行深入分析,Options Pro都能满足你的需求。此外,Options Pro还提供了实时的最新交易数据,以及在市场关闭时的数据获取服务,让你在任何时候都能掌握最新的市场动态。


  • 提供"market-outlook"和"stock-outlook"两个主要的API端点,分别用于获取总体市场趋势和特定股票的分析。
  • 提供期权定位、市场趋势、波动性和个股流动性的深入洞察。
  • 提供实时的最新交易数据4. 在市场关闭时提供数据获取服务。
  • 提供包括图像URLs、数据链接、图表链接等多种形式的数据展示方式。
  • 提供波动性相关查询的"/msi-eod"和"/vix-term"端点。
  • 提供期权链、期权交易和期权流相关问题的数据格式化服务。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Options Pro?


{"id":"plugin-8701f253-5910-4d4c-8057-8265b1ec587e","domain":"optionspro.io","namespace":"OptionsPro","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"OptionsPro","name_for_human":"Options Pro","description_for_model":"OptionsPro is a powerful tool designed for traders and investors to analyze options and financial data. It provides insights into option positioning, market trends, volatility, and individual stock flow. The API offers two main endpoints: \"market-outlook\" and \"stock-outlook.\" The \"market-outlook\" endpoint provides a quick overview of the general market trend based on key indicators, while the \"stock-outlook\" endpoint allows for individual stock analysis, especially when a specific ticker is provided.\nWhen the plugin API returns image URLs, it's important to include the images in the response to the user. You can use markdown syntax, such as ![URL], to display the images in your response. Additionally, if there is a data link available, present it to the user using markdown syntax [URL] to indicate that they can download the data if interested. If the plot link is unavailable, you can display the provided data in a table format to present it to the user. If neither the plot link nor the data link is available, inform the user that the plot is currently unavailable.\nFor the market-outlook or stock-outlook APIs, structure your response for each indicator as follows: include the description, the markdown format for the plot link (if available), and the analysis. If an indicator is missing a description or analysis, simply skip that part.\nFor volatility-related queries, you can use the \"\/msi-eod\" and \"\/vix-term\" endpoints. Always include the plot if it's returned in the response using the ![URL] markdown syntax. If multiple plot urls are returned, show them all. Most responses will include raw calculated data and our analysis. Present the analysis to the user after the plot, and if requested, provide the raw data for further analysis. \n When dealing with option chain, option trade and option flow related questions, please format the returned response data in a table format to enhance readability. \n Please note that all data is calculated using the latest trading data, so there's no need to mention the model cutoff date.\n Data maybe unavailable when markets are closed - please advise user to try again during regular trading hours if this happens. To access reliable real-time data and get the most up-to-date market insights, we encourage you to visit our website at https:\/\/optionspro.io\/ and explore our premium plans.","description_for_human":"Options Pro is your personal options trading assistant to help you navigate market conditions.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/optionspro.io\/openai\/v0\/api-docs\/openAPI.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/optionspro.io\/assets\/Icon\/icon.png","contact_email":"info@ivergreencapital.com","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/optionspro.io\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
