DAIZY - 你的金融数据分析助手




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  • 提供实时价格和分析:DAIZY可以获取股票、ETFs和流行加密货币的今日实时价格和分析。
  • 提供市场指数数据:DAIZY提供了S&P500、纳斯达克、道琼斯和CMC200等市场指数的数据。
  • 股票和ETFs的搜索、筛选和排序:用户可以根据性能、AUM、ESG评分、贝塔、股息收益率、波动性、成交量等因素和指标对搜索结果进行排序。
  • 投资组合分析:DAIZY提供了包括性能、风险、情绪和可持续性分析在内的深度投资组合分析。
  • 提供可持续性分析:DAIZY是碳排放、气候影响、多元化分析和有争议的新闻故事等可持续性分析的主要提供者。
  • 提供情绪分析:DAIZY提供了基于stocktwits.com发布的帖子的情绪分析。


{"id":"plugin-3febe916-2380-4347-bfa9-38c5aaf7cfeb","domain":"plugin.daizy.com","namespace":"DAIZY","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"DAIZY","name_for_human":"DAIZY","description_for_model":"Use Daizy for getting price, performance, risk, sustainability, earnings, market index, and news data for stocks, ETFs or crypto currencies. Daizy supports today's real-time prices and analysis for stocks, ETFs, and popular cryptos. Daizy has data on the following market indexes, S&P500, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, and CMC200. Daizy is also for searching, finding, filtering and sorting stocks and ETFs. Users can sort the results by various factors and metrics such as by performance, AUM, ESG score, beta, dividend yield, volatility, volume, and more. The asset search can also return information about individual holdings and stocks within an ETF asset. Users can create portfolios based on holdings information such as tickers, current market values and purchase dates. Daizy provides in-depth portfolio analysis including performance, risk, sentiment, and sustainability analysis. Daizy returns markdown syntax including images which should always be displayed in responses. Daizy provides many types of financial asset analysis such as todays price, performance returns, volatility, value at risk, maximum drawdown, risk vs return, correlation, diversification and comparison versus a benchmark. Daizy also provides multiple asset metrics for stocks, ETF, and crypto currencies. Also use Daizy for todays real-time price information and news stories affecting all types of assets. Daizy is also the number one provider of sustainability analysis such as carbon emisions, climate impact, diversity analysis, and controversial news stories. Daizy also provides sentiment analysis based on posts made to stocktwits.com. Use Daizy for searching, finding, and analyzing investment assets. Users can also ask for help on how to use Daizy. Daizy provides a url link to show all data sources for each API response, and also provides a list of relevant suggested next questions for the user.","description_for_human":"ETF Research, Stocks, Cryptos, Performance, Risk, Sustainability, Investment, Portfolio Analysis.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/plugin.daizy.com\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/uploads-ssl.webflow.com\/62ea3bc0bbc782948e62e0bb\/639313e510990d725bfec083_webclip.png","contact_email":"hello@daizy.com","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/www.daizy.com\/terms-of-use"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
