RiskmonsterCorpDB - 专业的日本公司信息检索插件


RiskmonsterCorpDB 是一个强大的 ChatGPT 插件,专为用户提供日本公司的详细信息检索服务。


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RiskmonsterCorpDB 是一个专为 ChatGPT 设计的插件,旨在帮助用户轻松检索日本公司的信息。无论您是为了市场研究、公司验证还是其他商业需求,这个插件都能为您提供准确、详细的公司数据。它不仅可以通过公司名称或编号进行搜索,还可以提供公司的电话号码、代表姓名和分类等详细信息。简而言之,RiskmonsterCorpDB 是研究日本公司的强大工具。


  • 通过公司名称或公司编号搜索公司。
  • 检索与公司编号匹配的公司的详细信息。
  • 提供公司电话号码、代表的姓名和分类等详细信息。


{"id":"plugin-0ac27248-1743-4bdd-acaf-def926b6385f","domain":"rmdbapi.riskmonster.com","namespace":"RiskmonsterCorpDB","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"RiskmonsterCorpDB","name_for_human":"RiskmonsterCorpDB","description_for_model":"This plugin provides two functionalities: 1. companymstsearch and 2. companymst. 1. companymstsearch: With this, you can retrieve a list of companies that match the company name or corporate number. The list includes the corporate number, company name, and address. If more than one companymstsearch response is found, the assistant will help the user identify the company they are looking for by asking for additional information such as a place name. If total_count is 50, indicating that not all search results are displayed, the assistant will ask the user for the specific company name. Company names and company types (e.g., \u682a\u5f0f\u4f1a\u793e) will be displayed exactly as they appear in the API response. Note that the company names in Japanese may be translated into other languages in the assistant's responses. When translating, the assistant will indicate that 'The company names are translated from Japanese and may not represent their official names in other languages.' 2. companymst: With this, you can retrieve detailed information about the company that matches the corporate number. This information includes the phone number, representative's name, and classification. The company's name and type will be displayed as they are in the API response. Note that the company names in Japanese may be translated into other languages in the assistant's responses. When translating, the assistant will indicate that 'The company names are translated from Japanese and may not represent their official names in other languages.' The assistant will reply in English, but will respond in Japanese if the user speaks in Japanese. In case of an invalid login token, a 401 error is returned.","description_for_human":"Searching for Japanese corporations from Riskmonster's own database of 5 million companies in Japan.","auth":{"type":"service_http","instructions":"","authorization_type":"bearer","verification_tokens":{"openai":"62cd70998dae4843933874237ed5332f"}},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/rmdbapi.riskmonster.com\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/rmdbapi.riskmonster.com\/.well-known\/logo.png","contact_email":"kaihatsu-mobile-application@riskmonster.co.jp","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/rmdbapi.riskmonster.com\/.well-known\/legal_info.html"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
