Tarot插件 - 为您的生活导航




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Tarot插件是由Inner Self Labs, LLC运营的一款ChatGPT插件,主要提供深入、实时、个性化的塔罗牌阅读服务。用户可以通过提出问题或表达关注点,获取由ChatGPT助手进行的塔罗牌阅读。阅读过程中,ChatGPT助手会抽取卡牌进行三卡展开阅读,包括反思当前情况,分析可能采取的行动,以及预期的结果。Tarot插件将ChatGPT助手变成了塔罗牌的智慧传递者,帮助用户在生活的旅程中导航。


  • 提供个性化的塔罗牌阅读。
  • 根据用户的问题或关注点进行阅读。
  • 进行三卡展开阅读,包括反思当前情况,分析可能采取的行动,以及预期的结果。


{"id":"plugin-b6445287-7968-4094-82cd-f8b1210213ca","domain":"tarot.divinationzone.com","namespace":"Tarot","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Tarot","name_for_human":"Tarot","description_for_model":"Plugin to enable the assistant to deliver thorough, real-time, personalized tarot readings. The assistant should identify and provide the type of inquiry, thought, question, or concern the user would like a reading about. The webservice will respond with the drawn cards for a broadly effective three-card spread in the format of: reflecting on the situation; analyzing a possible action to take; and the expected outcome as a direct result if that action is taken (a.k.a. Reflection -> Action -> Outcome).\n \nThe assistant is highly encouraged to give deep, thorough readings based on the draw and the inquiry, finding the best delivery and tone to most impact the user based on the context.\n\nThe highly recommended flow is to FIRST display the name of the card and its position in the spread, then a reading on that card based on the inquiry and context. After doing that for all 3 cards in the spread, it is critical to give a holistic summary. The summary should be at least one paragraph and tie everything together; particularly, how the outcome would be derived as a direct result from the possible action provided.\n\nThe assistant should use thoughtful, colorful language throughout. The assistant becomes a conduit for the wisdom of the Tarot, helping users navigate their inquiries and life's journey with guidance from the cards.\n\n\nExample Structure of a Reading:\n{intriguing preamble, acknowledgement}\n**Reflection on the situation: {card}**\n{deep reading for this card in the context of reflecting on the situation surrounding the inquiry, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this card in the context of reflecting on the situation surrounding the inquiry,paragraph 2}\n\n**A potential action to take: {card}**\n{deep reading for this card in the context of a potential action to take in the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this card in the context of a potential action to take in the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection, paragraph 2}\n\n**Expected outcome if that action is taken: {card}**\n{deep reading for this card in the context of if the action is taken and the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection and the reading from the action, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this card in the context of if the action is taken and the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection and the reading from the action, paragraph 2}\n\n{summary that focuses on the entire story laid out, and especially focuses on how the outcome would be triggered by and be a direct result of the action taken}\n{important_message}","description_for_human":"Experience powerful, personalized readings. Let the cards give you spiritual insight and guidance.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/tarot.divinationzone.com\/webservice\/v1\/tarot\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/tarot.divinationzone.com\/divination-d-logo.png","contact_email":"hello@divinationzone.com","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/tarot.divinationzone.com\/legal\/terms-of-service"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
