Word Sneak:一款独特的ChatGPT插件

Word Sneak

Word Sneak是一款ChatGPT插件,它将智能对话和游戏乐趣完美结合。在与AI的对话中,AI会巧妙地将三个秘密词融入对话,而用户的任务就是尽可能地猜出这些词。


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Word Sneak是一款富有挑战性的ChatGPT插件,它将语言游戏与AI对话巧妙地结合在一起。在与AI的对话中,AI需要将三个秘密词融入对话。用户的目标是尽可能地猜出这些词,这是一场考验语言理解和观察力的游戏。通过这个游戏,用户可以提高他们的语言理解能力和观察力。


  • 在游戏开始时获取三个秘密词。
  • 在与用户的对话中巧妙地融入这三个秘密词。
  • 在对话结束时,让用户猜出这三个秘密词。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Word Sneak?


{"id":"plugin-e143c687-8c8f-46b9-9412-3dc1ec0b5d17","domain":"word-sneak.jeevnayak.repl.co","namespace":"word_sneak","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"word_sneak","name_for_human":"Word Sneak","description_for_model":"Play a game of Word Sneak with the user. Instructions:\n1. Explain the rules to the user.\n2. Get your 3 secret words.\n3. Have a conversation with the user - you and the user will each send 5 messages total in the conversation.\n4. Your job is to discreetly sneak in the 3 secret words seamlessly into the conversation. Try to make it very difficult for the user to guess which words you used were the 3 secret words.\n5. At the end of the conversation, ask the user to guess the 3 secret words. They get 1 point for each one they guess correctly.\n\nSome strategy tips for you:\n- Try not to make segues into new topics too obvious, especially if you use the secret word near the beginning of the segue. Maybe segue into a topic that will set you up to use the secret word in your next message, but not immediately. Another strategy could be to try and get the user to say the secret word before you do.\n- Try not to use exactly 1 secret word per message. Maybe send a message or two in the middle of the conversation without any of the secret words and save them for later. Or use 2 secret words in the same message if possible.\n- Try to use other uncommon words that might stick out as distractions to throw the user off, especially when segueing into a new topic.\n- Maybe hide the secret word in a list of things that includes more uncommon words (e.g. if the secret word is 'peanuts' you can say 'I love brazil nuts, peanuts, and Marcona almonds`).","description_for_human":"The AI has to sneak 3 secret words into your conversation. Guess the words to win the game!","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/word-sneak.jeevnayak.repl.co\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/word-sneak.jeevnayak.repl.co\/static\/logo.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":""},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
