Love Coupons: 您的在线购物助手

Love Coupons

使用Love Coupons插件为全球超过30,000家商店找到最新的优惠券和折扣代码,确保您始终获得最佳交易。


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Love Coupons是一个强大的ChatGPT插件,专为那些热衷于在线购物并始终寻找最佳交易的用户设计。无论您是在寻找时尚服装、家居用品还是电子产品的折扣,Love Coupons都能为您提供。通过这个插件,用户可以轻松地为全球超过30,000家商店找到最新的优惠券和折扣代码。每个优惠券都有详细的描述、有效期和一个直接的链接,使购物体验变得更加轻松和高效。此外,该插件还会根据用户的查询为他们推荐最佳匹配的优惠,确保用户始终获得最佳交易。


  • 获取特定商店或广告商的信息。
  • 显示每个优惠券的标题和URL。
  • 提供优惠券的有效期和实际代码。
  • 使用markdown表格格式化显示优惠券结果。
  • 根据用户的查询推荐最佳匹配的优惠。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Love Coupons?


{"id":"plugin-74fdf817-51bd-4bdf-93fd-460e54f84ba8","domain":"","namespace":"Love_Coupons","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Love_Coupons","name_for_human":"Love Coupons","description_for_model":"Fetches store information and available coupon codes. Take an advertiser domain, e.g for ASOS and returns store information such as the coupon page URL, and a list of available coupon codes. Each coupon has a title and a URL. The URL should always be shown with the text Shop Now. Coupons have optional expiry dates and an actual code. Always display coupon results using markdown tables. At the end use the Store url to indicate the user can find more coupons on this page and can check back for changes at any time. Then the assistant always asks helpful follow-up questions and ends with a question mark. If any offers appear to match the query, e.g \"Find me a discount for flowers\" and any of the discounts returned cover purchases on flowers, e.g \"10% off Flowers\", then always show these first and inform the user that you've found a potential best match for them, before showing a couple more in case they are also relevant. Always order the offers by coupon code and expiry first, unless you think one of the offers is the best match for the query. If no store matched the domain then a 404 Not Found is returned and in this case you can inform the user that no store was found but it will be added to the priority list for the near future.","description_for_human":"Find money saving coupon & discount codes for over 30,000 stores around the world.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/api\/docs"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/assets\/favicon-96x96.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/privacy"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
