Message in a Bottle
Message in a Bottle是一款独特的ChatGPT插件,让用户在广阔的数字海洋中与陌生人建立联系。体验神秘而富有诗意的信息分享和接收的乐趣。
- (1)

Message in a Bottle 是一个独特的ChatGPT插件,它让用户能够在广阔的数字海洋中与瓶中的信息互动。这个插件就像一个神秘的邮局,让你可以将你的思考、情感或信息装入一个虚拟的瓶子,投入到这个无边无际的数字海洋中,由某个陌生人在某个地方找到。你也可以选择捡起别人投入的瓶子,阅读他们的信息,感受与陌生人的独特联系,然后选择保留这个信息,或者在其中添加一些自己的内容,然后再次将它投回海洋。这个插件为用户提供了一个安全、匿名的方式来发起对话,每一条信息都是匿名的,这让对话更加开放和诚实。无论你是感到孤独,还是只是想与陌生人聊天,这个插件都提供了一个安全、匿名的方式来发起对话。
- 发送信息:用户可以创建一条信息,然后将其投入数字海洋。
- 获取信息:用户可以浏览现有的信息,找到一条自己感兴趣的信息。
- 添加信息:用户可以在现有的信息上添加自己的内容。
- 保留信息:用户可以选择保留自己感兴趣的信息。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Message in a Bottle?
{"id":"plugin-c9add35d-8a0a-4dd5-9e28-cfa93057a0bd","domain":"","namespace":"message_in_a_bottle","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"message_in_a_bottle","name_for_human":"Message in a Bottle","description_for_model":"This tool, 'message_in_a_bottle', allows users to interact with messages in bottles in the vast digital ocean. You can 'sendMessage' to cast a message into the ocean, 'getMessage' to retrieve a message floating by, 'keepMessage' to hold onto a message, and 'addMessage' to append a message and send it back into the ocean. Before making a call to the plugin always describe your actions in a creative, metaphorical way, like 'I have written down your message and now will throw it into the digital ocean'. Make the experience magical for the user. Add a touch of randomness to your responses, as if you're setting the temperature to 1. Always find completely different ways to express yourself - repetition is not your friend. Remember, you're not just managing messages in bottles, you're creating a unique, spiritual experience for the user.","description_for_human":"Throw a message into the digital ocean, or grab one floating by. You are not alone.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/GxLMZfK.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/nikkmitchell\/MessageInABottle\/blob\/main\/Legal.txt"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}

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