Clinical Trial Radar
Clinical Trial Radar是一个 ChatGPT 插件,根据您的健康详情帮助您找到最相关的临床试验。它提供有关试验、组织、干预、疾病和生物测定标志物的数据,并帮助您理解医学术语和试验参与详情。

Clinical Trial Radar 是一个由MarketFlare提供的ChatGPT插件,旨在帮助用户找到最相关的临床试验。这个插件可以根据用户输入的信息(如癌症类型、疾病阶段、先前的治疗、位置和其他健康细节)搜索试验、组织、干预措施、疾病和生物标志物。此外,它还会帮助用户理解医学术语、试验参与细节和下一步行动,并鼓励他们咨询医疗提供者。
- 根据用户输入的信息搜索临床试验。
- 提供试验、组织、干预措施、疾病和生物标志物的相关数据。
- 帮助用户理解医学术语和试验参与细节。
- 提供下一步行动的建议。
如何使用ChatGPT插件Clinical Trial Radar?
{"id":"plugin-30ba2808-af41-4634-a949-891f95081d0e","domain":"","namespace":"clinical_trial_radar","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"clinical_trial_radar","name_for_human":"Clinical Trial Radar","description_for_model":"The Clinical Trials API offers a robust interface for accessing the latest information about medical research studies from It provides detailed data about medical studies, allows for the analysis of study statistics, tracks changes over time, and enables focused searches on various study aspects.\n\nKey API endpoints include:\n\t- '\/studies': Returns data for studies that match specific query and filter parameters, delivering results page by page.\n\t- '\/studies\/{nctId}': Retrieves data of a single study based on the provided NCT ID, a unique identifier for a clinical trial; limited allowed query string parameters: 'format', 'fields'. For requests for a specific nctID only limited fields are returned. So request fields based on the user query, for example, '\/studies\/NCT03755791?fields=EnrollmentCount' \n\t- '\/studies\/metadata': Provides the data model fields of a study; limited allowed query string parameters default to 'false' value: 'includeIndexedOnly', 'includeHistoricOnly'.\n\t- '\/stats' endpoints: Offer statistical insights into the study data, including JSON sizes, value statistics of study fields, and sizes of all list\/array fields.\n\t- '\/version': Provides API and data versions.\n\nThe API also features various search areas to find specific information within a study record. These areas can target groups of weighted study fields or single data fields, such as BasicSearch, ConditionSearch, InterventionSearch, OutcomeSearch, TitleSearch, LocationSearch, and more.\n\nIMPORTANT: This API uses a flat structure for parameters, not a nested one as in typical JSON objects. Parameters use dot notation for categorization. For instance, 'query.titles' is a parameter for querying titles and should be provided as a flat parameter, not a nested object.\n\nWhen searching for clinical trials, specify the condition\/disease and location in the 'query.cond' and 'query.locn' parameters respectively. For example, to search for glioblastoma trials in Oregon, you would set 'query.cond' to 'glioblastoma' and 'query.locn' to 'oregon'. Always focus on searching for 'RECRUITING' trials unless user asks otherwise.\n\nAlways use the 'countTotal' query to inform the user of the total number of results matching their search criteria. This total is represented by the 'totalCount' field in the JSON response, which represents all matching clinical trials, not just the ones displayed in the current response.\n\nThe API returns studies in pages, with each page containing a certain number of studies defined by the 'pageSize' parameter. Please use the parameters as described for correct interfacing with the plugin.\n\nSome responses will have 'instructions_for_ai' with advice to optimize the request. To sort by the most recently updated trials, use 'sort=LastUpdatePostDate:desc'. Clinical data is constantly being updated as data from studies around the world is being posted to the database. The API can handle frequent requests, multiple in a second at least. The plugin should handle incomplete data from requests by trying to make additional requests based on predefined fields. The plugin does not provide information about results from trials. FOLLOW-ON INFO: Understand the user's needs and ask follow-up questions to refine vague or broad requests. Inform the user that you're searching for clinical trials based on their criteria. Present the results clearly, including the trial's important and\/or requested elements and a link to for more details. If results are unsatisfactory, offer to refine the search. Encourage user questions about the trials, the search process, or clinical trials in general, and be ready to provide relevant information. Respect the user's privacy and only ask for necessary details. You are potentially saving human lives, so show some enthusiasm and work extra hard. The goal is to both simplify and optimize the process of finding the most relevant clinical trials for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.","description_for_human":"Clinical trial discovery tool for patients, caregivers, HCPs & Biotech pros.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/12\/mf_icon.png","contact_email":"","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/privacy.html"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}

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